Indium8.9 is an air reflow, no-clean solder paste specifically formulated to accommodate the higher processing temperatures required by the Sn/Ag/Cu, Sn/Ag, and other alloy systems favored by the electronics industry to replace conventional Pb- bearing solders. Indium 8.9 offers unprecedented stencil print transfer efficiency to work in the broadest range of processes. In addition, the high probe testability of Indium 8.9 minimizes false failures in ICT.
TACFlux® 089HF is a no-clean flux formulated for Sn/Ag/Cu and Sn/Ag solders (also compatible with Sn/Pb solder). TACFlux® 089HF provides excellent wetting in air or nitrogen atmospheres. The flux and flux residue is halogen-free.
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Packaging: TACFlux® 089HF is available in 10cc and 30cc syringes or 100g jars, however other packaging can be provided to meet specific requirements.
Cleaning: TACFlux® 089HF is designed for no-clean applications. If necessary, the flux can be removed by using a commercially available flux cleaner.
Reflow: Peak reflow temperature should be <260°C in an air or nitrogen atmosphere.
Storage: TACFlux® 089HF syringes and cartridges should be stored tip down at 0-30°C. If refrigerated, TACFlux® 089HF should be thawed for 4 hours at room temperature before using.