ACCU-SEAL Model 6400 Constant Heat Sealers

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The model 6400 is a constant heat medical pouch sealer that’s designed to enhance production and deliver equivalence throughout your facility. A high speed PLC with LCD touch screen allows the user control over seal temperature via PID with +/-1 degree accuracy, seal time and seal pressure. User friendly password protection gives the operator ability to select from pre-set and named seal recipes as well as protected control over alarm history, calibration screens and seal count. Other production enhancing features include upper heat plate, auto cycle mode and high force seal jaw. The seamless stainless steel case is designed for low maintenance and long lasting operation.

Several safety features safeguard the user during operation; emergency stop, alarmed seal bar safety guard and low-force jaw close. Visible and audible alarms may be set to notify personnel of a jaw obstruction, cold seal and open sensor.

For applications that require complete process control, the Model 6400 is 100% validatable and calibratable and all seal process parameters are maintained seal to seal.

Seal Widths: 3/8” Standard (10 mm)

Compressed Air: 1.5CFM @ 80 ps
Power Requirement: 220V

Code Seal Length Type No. Price
6400-08-BX 8" (203mm) 6400-08-BX No Price Available
6400-15-BX 15” (381mm) 6400-15-BX No Price Available
6400-20-BX 20” (508mm) 6400-20-BX No Price Available
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