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Code Green Spot

The attractive, all anodized aluminum Green Spot is the simple and reliable answer to today's solvent-free manufacturing environment. Assembled with state-of-the-art components, it provides reliable and powerful spot curing every time. Its flexible wand delivers dedicated, concentrated UV spot curing where it's needed, and its compact size (9.75 x 12.5") is ideal for R&D or other manual operations. And a unique "pop-off" lid allows this UV spot cure device to access the lamp reflector assembly, a big feature for intensive manufacturing line operations where downtime maintenance must be kept to a minimum. This feature allows the user to change lamp reflector assemblies in less than a minute.

The Green Spot UV curing system uses an industry standard super-pressure mercury 100-watt lamp, mounted vertically, in a dichroic-coated elliptical reflector to generate an intense, consistent, 5mm spot of light in the UVA, UVB, UVC and visible ranges. Powered by a solid-state, power-regulated power board, the Green Spot maintains 100 watts of continuous power to the lamp. It also features a gravity-close shutter system for safety to the operator and reduced risk of the shutter being stuck in the open position.

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Standard Features

  • Clean-room-ready (Class 100)
  • Total weight under 14 lbs.
  • Digital shutter time with foot switch
  • Dual-fan cooling system
  • 5mm x 1m liquid-filled light guide

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