BLOCKWISE Model Rju Radial Force Testing Fixture

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Code RJU

With a decade of service in radial force testing the J-Crimp™ is a proven choice. We recommend you select this model unless you need a bigger size. High precision, very low friction, no die-to-die wear, high durability.

DiameterLengthMax Radial Force
0-16 mm 62, 124 mm 660 N
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Blockwise offers radial compression stations to be used as “fixtures” on 3rd party tensile testers for radial force testing
  • Lowest Cost if You Have a Tensile Tester
  • Adapt to Almost Any Tensile Tester
  • Overforce Safety Clip

Our adapter hardware can attach Blockwise compression stations to tensile testers by Zwick, ADMET, Instron, Tinius-Olsen, and others. If we don't have an adapter kit for your tensile tester, we will design one. These kits include top and bottom couplings and force-limiting clips to prevent accidental damage to the compression station due to excessive force. Temperature control systems are also available


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