INDIUM CORPORATION Indium Wf-7745 Voc-Free Wave Solder Flux

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Code WF-7745

VOC-free fluxes use water as the dominant solvent. In addition to limiting the amount of volatile organic compounds (VOC) into the atmosphere, sometimes associated with global warming, VOC-free fluxes are also non-flammable. The disadvantage of VOC-free/water-based fluxes is that they require more pre-heat to drive off the water than similar alcohol-based fluxes. In addition, assemblers must be careful to ensure that the top side of the circuit board is dry, otherwise it could lead to reliability issues in the form of electromigration.

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WF-7745 is a water-based, VOC-free, halogen-free, no-clean wave solder fl ux designed for wave soldering through-hole, bottom-side surface mount and mixed-technology circuit boards. It performs well with both Pb-free and Sn/Pb solders and processes.

WF-7745 is non-fl ammable, dramatically reducing volatile organic compound emissions and eliminating special fl ammable storage conditions. WF-7745 easily passes the IPC TM-650 copper mirror test. It also passes the IPC TM-650 copper corrosion test, showing no evidence of green. This high degree of corrosion resistance is virtually unheard of with water-based no-clean fl uxes.

Even with this high degree of corrosion resistance, WF-7745 solders as well as many halogen-containing, low solids, no-clean fl uxes, yielding superior hole-fi ll and reduced solder balling.


  • No green from corrosion test, commonly found with other VOC-free fl uxes 
  • Compatible with Pb-free and Sn/Pb solders 
  • Superior hole-fi ll

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