The BVX-101 is a single user, PRE-HEPA-GAS volume extraction system designed to be used directly on the workbench. The unit is designed with an innovative adaptor which allows the user to choose between plenum or arm extraction options.
Features and Benefits:
- Portable, single user fume extraction system
- Low noise unit
- No external ducting or compressor needed
- Unit easily fits on any bench-top or under-bench
- 12” wide (300mm) plenum
- Innovative adaptor transforms the plenum into an arm
- Powerful 85m3/hr-airflow rate
- Immediate extraction of fumes, particles and vapors
- Two filtration configurations: heavy soldering and light dust or light duty organic solvent and adhesive applications
- Bi-coloured LED light indicates when the filters are blocked and require replacing
Product Comprises of :
- Unit
- Set of filters
- BVX-ADT arm to plenum adaptor
- BVX Arm (760mm, 29.50")