METCAL Mfr-2240 Dual Output Soldering & Rework System - Tweezer Hand-Piece

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Code MFR-2240

Like the MFR-1100 Series, the MFR-2200 offers the same choice of multiple hand-pieces with two ports. Flexibility can be increased by locking both systems together. The MFR-2240 includes a Tweezer Hand-piece for the rework of SMD components with fine dimension to large blade geometries.

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Features and Benefits:

  • SmartHeat® Technology provides exceptional power for high thermal demand applications.
  • Single or Dual simultaneous outputs allow for single or dual hand-piece use.
  • Four hand-pieces available for increased application solutions for soldering and rework on one system.
  • Each hand-piece has a comprehensive range of cartridges or tips for maximum flexibility.
  • Hand-pieces are ergonomic for operator safety and comfort.

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