NIKON METROLOGY Nikon Voxls 40 C 450 Versatile Large Envelope X-Ray And Ct Systems

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Code VOXLS 40 C 450

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Nikon Voxls 40 C 450 Versatile Large Envelope X-Ray And Ct Systems

Nikon’s versatile, large-envelope X-ray and CT systems can inspect items of diverse size and density, internally and externally, enabling them to perform virtually limitless tasks within industry, inspection bureaux and academia.

A multitude of configuration options to meet your exact inspection requirements
Next level ProcessingX-ray CT

Nikon’s large-envelope system range combines metrology grade, granite-based manipulator construction with a large scanning volume, multi-source flexibility, dual detector functionality and an extensive range of CT acquisition modes, enabling them to excel in any inspection environment, from R&D labs to the shop floor.

  • Highly Configurable Line-up: With 8 different X-ray sources, 7 detectors, 3 granite base lengths and 2 manipulator constructions to choose from, housed in either a single-piece cabinet, panelised room or pre-existing shielded enclosure, you’ll find a system configuration to match your requirements.
  • Multi-source Functionality: Select up to 3 X-ray sources from Nikon’s extensive microfocus range to ensure you have the optimum combination of penetrative power, resolution and scan speed for all your applications.
  • Dual Detector Flexibility: A choice of industry-leading, flat panel detectors with small pixel sizes and fast exposures, combined with Nikon’s unique CLDA, enables high-throughput CT and DR for all part types, plus advanced scatter correction for high-density parts.
  • Metrology Grade Manipulator: Our granite-based manipulators are combined with rigid towers and precision motors and encoders. The resulting construction ensures superior mechanical and thermal stability, leading to enhanced positional accuracy and repeatability.
  • Large Scanning Envelope: With up to 4-position panel shift and synchronous Y-axis source and detector movement, the maximum available scanning envelope can accommodate samples up to 1000 mm swept diameter and over 1500 mm tall.
  • Automation-ready for the Shop Floor: When combined with an integrated robotic loader and the Nikon Automation OPC UA Interface, our large envelope systems are automation ready for closed-loop inspection at high speed in a Quality 4.0 production line environment.


  • Automotive
  • Energy
  • Aerospace  & Defence
  • Metals
  • Academic
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  • Up to Dual Sources + Dual Detectors
  • Synchronous-Style Manipulator
  • Standard Scan Vol:
  • 800 mm (Ø) × 1415 mm (H)
  • 275 kg Max Payload

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