SCHLEUNIGER Pulltester 20

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Code PT20

The PullTester 20 is an economical motorized benchtop device for measuring pull forces of crimp connections as well as ultrasonic metal welding connections.

  • Speed controlled motor for consistent pull rates
  • Simple LCD display for easy programming & reading
  • Repeatable & accurate data
  • Versatile terminal (crimp) holder
  • RS 232 interface for curve analysis & statistics with optional WinCrimp PC software
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Application Range 

Schleuniger’s PullTester 20 is a motorized, benchtop unit designed to measure pull-test forces for a variety of applications. The most common applications are wire crimp and ultrasonic metal welding connections, but the design makes it possible to create custom fixtures for many other applications. Standards, such as IEC and SAE, specify that the device pulls at a consistent rate.

The Schleuniger PullTester 20 is equipped with a speed-controlled motor, ensuring consistent pull rates throughout the measuring range, which means repeatable and accurate data. Pull-to-break (destructive) tests can be measured in poundforce, Newtons or kiloponds.

Technical Data

Measuring Range

Up to 500 N (110 lbf.)

Unit of Measure

Newton (N), Kilopond (Kp), Poundforce (lbf)


LCD 4-digit

Pressure Precision

+ 0.5% of full scale (± 2N or 0.44 lbf.)


Maximum 48 mm (1.89")

Pulling Speed

PullTester 20-25: Selectable 25 or 50 mm/min (0.98“ or 1.97“/min)
PullTester 20-50: Selectable 50 or 100 mm/min (1.97” or 3.94“/min)

Pulling Modes

Pull + Break

Memory Capacity

Sending maximum pull force value to PC or serial printer


Device display output; Optional WinCrimp statistical software for visual force-time-table on PC and with download possibility to Microsoft® Excel software


IP 20


PullTester 20-25 and PullTester 20-50 over RS 232; PullTester 20-TCP via TCP/IP


24 VDC


5 kg (11 lbs.)


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