SCHLEUNIGER Coaxstrip 5300

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Code 5300

The CoaxStrip 5300 is a semi-automatic, programmable multi-step stripping machine for coaxial, triaxial, multi-conductor cable and single conductor wire. This benchtop unit can easily process coaxial and triaxial cables up to 7 mm (0.276'') outer diameter and strips lengths up to 30 mm (1.18").

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  • High precision rotary stripping up to 9 steps
  • No tooling or blade change-over
  • Fast processing speed
  • Fully programmable - up to 1000 memory locations
  • Menu guided programming with user-friendly graphical display
Technical Data
Max. Diameter: 7mm/0.286"
Diameter Increments: 0.01mm/0.001"
Max. Stripping Length : 30mm/1.18"
Stripping Length Increments: 0.01mm/0.01"

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