SCHLEUNIGER Coaxstrip 5500

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Code 5500

The CoaxStrip 5500 is a semi-automatic, programmable stripping machine designed to perform both single and multiple stage strips. Its processing capabilities make the CoaxStrip 5500 a perfect match for a wide range of wires and cables such as coaxial and multi-conductor cables - even with very thin and tough or slightly out-of-round insulations - with a maximum outside diameter of 15 mm (0.59'') at a maximum stripping length of 85 mm (3.35").

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Technical Data

  • Max. Diameter" 15mm/0.59"
  • Diameter Increments: 0.01mm/0.001"
  • Max. Stripping Length: 85mm/3.35"
  • Stripping Length Increments: 0.01mm/0.001"

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